Responsible tourism : Our social involvement
At the heart of "arab spring" ,Morocco still one of the safiest and securised countries in north Africa.This conclusion is expressed by tourists themselves.In the large areas of Souss Massa region ,safety is a reality .In every village ,tourists are respected and welcome.It is an old tradition from Moroccan cultural heritage.
Souss Massa Region ,basically our area of activity ,located in the middle of Morocco, is caracterised by its semi arid climate and mountaneous hazards.Annual rainfall doesn t exceed 200 mm/year.This reality is the start of all developpement actions taken in this region since the independance of Morocco in 1956.Big projects are taken place like Big dams ,roads and schools.By the year 1990 drought is becoming a serious problem for the region.As a reaction ,many local NGO s are born known as ADL (=association de développement local).They played a determinant role in stabilizing rural population in very arid areas and still doing so.Many projects are born thanks to partnership between theses ADL ,government and internationl cooperation.For exemple building hospitals , supply of drinking water ,schools building and education improvement ,roads rehabilitation ,monuments restauration.The 21st century begins ,civil society act to accelerate progress in the Souss Massa rural areas ,there was a luck of funds and tourisme was the hope for many ADL.
As a volunteer ,I worked with Association Argane Illalen to promote "ecotourisme" in the rural community of Tassegdelt (county).I worked with great determination to show Agadir Inoumar s granary to a few tourists that come hardly to visit this neglected area.Step by step, I get with my friends (all of them volunteers) experience on tourism guiding and management.
My hopes are becoming stronger and my dreams much bigger.I was motivated and want to go speedy in rural tourism and social action.Unfortunately ,the ADL I worked with for a decade doesn t progress anymore due to many factors.I decided to create a co-operative many years ago but never have the opportunity.My dreams come true by the year 2012 ,where I found by the help of friends Agadir Inoumar touristic co-operative :the first co-operative authorized in the tourism sector in the Souss Massa Region.A small step for me and big step for rural communities in the Souss Massa Region!
Since then , under light of touristic co-operative ,we worked hardly to establish a new definition of tourism we choose and types of prior activities that are banned in the past from tourists journey by intermediaries.Today it is possible to realize our dream of responsible tourism ,a philosophy that we share with our guests.We try to make our guests understand that tourism is not only an industry of entertainment and leisure ,but a golden opportunity for social involvement.
Yes,I t is possible to make a difference in rural areas by tourists action toward rural population.The simple action ,is distributing books and school material among schoolchildren.used clothes are welcome ,they can make happy children as well as adults .Some tourists help womens by giving sewing machine.There is always something wich is not used at travellers home ,but can be very useful in rural areas of Morocco.
Tourists involvement can go high ,members of NGO s in their country of residence ,they help for life improvement in rural areas of Morocco.For exemple ,ODA (oxford developpement abroad) had financed and constructed (by involvement of 6 oxford s university students ) a classroom in the ZAO school: a small project with great impact on childrens education while giving a chance for participants to get field experience that can not be acquired between university s walls.
Actually , Agadir Inoumar s co-operative is socially involved in 2 prioritary projects ,help from NGO s or simple individuals is highly required:
1-First project:
There is a need for a bus (even a used bus is welcome wich capacity varies between 17 and 22 passenger) for school transport especially girls after their primary school.this project is very imperative since many girls will stop education after finishing their primary lessons.From the moment to the next scholar year 2014/2015 it is urgent to do something before many girls stopped education by luck of transport (secondary school is as far as 14 Km and no internat is available).
2-Second project:
Building a multiservice social center near tha ZAO school.It is unic by its definition.A complete file can be send to interested travellers on demand.
Author, Ghandour Moussa ( cooperative s treasurer).