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                                               Commercial policy

First rule : Agadir Inoumar touristic cooperative has the right to sell its services inside and outside Morocco.Second rule: All traveler(s) who want to buy services from our cooperative should get enough information on the cooperative s website.Booking is possible by internet on the cooperative s website in successive steps.The traveller should complete a booking form,then read and accept traveller s charter and our commercial policy.When form received ,the cooperative send to the traveler total fees of his/her/their stay that must be paid to the cooperative directly via its bank account, travel insurance and multirisk insurance are added separately. The traveler should prove that payment is achieved .After theses steps ,the cooperative confirm to the traveller that his /her/their booking is definitely accepted. Third rule : The cooperative assures quality of services promised to the traveler either hosting, restaurant or entertainment.The traveler should precise services wanted.Fourth rule : prior booking is necessary to get cooperative s services.Surprising visits are not welcome except for travellers that discover our cooperative for the first time and for tourists around Agadir Inoumar granary.Fifth rule : Agadir inoumar s cooperative doesn t accept direct payement in cash, and doesn t allow anyone to do so even for its commercial representant.The only persons allowed exclusively to accept payements in cash is cooperative s president or treasaurer and only if direct payement via the cooperative s bank account is not possible and for some rare cases like passage tourists. Sixth rule : Traveller should book his/her stay/holiday from the cooperative at least 15 days before arrivals in order to organize his/her stay by the cooperative and taking all necessary procedures for hosting him/her in the precised time. Seventh rule :travel cancel Traveller has the right to cancel his /her prepayed stay and be payed back amounts paid to the cooperative following to the next scale :*2 months before stay starting = the whole money minus insurance fees and folder fees.*between a month to less than 2 months before stay starting = payed back 70% of the whole money payed to the cooperative.* between a month to 15 days before stay starting = 50 % of the money is returned back.*Between 15 days and a week before stay starting =40% of money is payed back to the traveller.*Less than one week before stay starting = No money is payed back to the traveller. I had read, understand and accepted rules above.


Phone +212 (0) 651243089


village Talkerdoust ,commune rurale Tassegdelt ,province chtouka ait Baha MOROCCO
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